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My foray into the land of ‘How To’…

Well I never thought I’d see the day… But yes, I’ve penned my first ‘how to’ article and it’s been published on

Asked to write about crafting the killer first page, it got me thinking, and more importantly, standing in front of my own bookshelf trying to define what it is that grabs me about a book.

Even if you’re not attempting to write a book, have a read anyway, I’ve listed some of my favorite books and why they caught my attention…

I’d love to hear about your favorite opening pages, or better still, what can turn you off about the opening page of a book…

All the best,


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Thank you Easons!

This week Eason’s allowed me the very great privilege of writing a guest post for them. I’m always nervous reading something I’ve written, but I have to say, I quite like this one!

When I was little, one of our biggest treats was to be allowed go to Easons on O’Connell Street on one of our very seldom trips to Dublin. I never thought the day would come that I’d have a book on those shelves…

Thanks Easons!


Today is a good day…

Its been a long road but today I finally feel like I’ve arrived…

After a whirlwind week of book launches and signings, today I got the news from my publishers Poolbeg that ‘Between You and Me’ now lies at Number 5 in the Mass Fiction Irish Chart and No 8 in the overall ROI Bestsellers list.

I can’t describe the emotion. I felt like I should be wearing a frock. That there should have been crowds and speeches and after parties …and then an orchestra on hand to tell me to stop going on about it.

Instead there was just me, my laptop and an email I was very, very glad to receive.

I can’t thank everyone enough that has bought the book, I really hope that you’re enjoying it and that you’d like to know what Holly does next…

Because the good news is, book two is now underway with renewed vigour…

Thanks so much again



Well done, America!

 I wrote this piece on the day of President Barak Obama’s inauguration, today’s as good a day as any to shamelessly re-hash it…

He came home this evening to find me on the kitchen floor. On my knees. Surrounded by the usual mish-mash of baby changing paraphernalia – sudocreme, wipes, tiny nappies and, ahem, masking tape.
SKY News was blaring on the TV, the spuds were boiling over on the hob and there was the distinct smell of overcooked fish emanating from the oven.